Thursday, 27 December 2007

alive...and kicking

i am still alive - although i wasn't sure anyone read this to know i'd disappeared, but the emails i have had tell me otherwise. things have been so hectic that i can't believe four months have gone by since i last updated this but as i'm sure most people who care by now know, i'm pregnant, and minutes/hours/days seem to melt into one at the moment. christmas was fab but very hectic and i'm looking forward to calming down, chilling out, and catching up with life in the new year.

new years resolutions that need to be thought about
  • keep in touch with people more than i have lately
  • get back into craft mode - have only managed a few homemade christmas decs and attempted to start the baby book so need to get back on the wagon, so to speak
  • breathe more often - life is passing me by faster than i'd like at the moment and i need to take stock and prepare myself for what's to come
it may be a little early for new years resolution just yet but i like to be prepared and it feels good to get a list of things sorted - almost feel like myself again.

so, i have two more months of work to go before i start my maternity leave - then i'm off for about five weeks before the BIG DAY (due date) to get myself prepared in every way possible. am having small panic attacks on a regular basis now as am just now realising how much my life has already changed and how that hardly compares at all to what it will be like in a few months. i am, however, VERY EXCITED at the same time as i can't wait to be a mum and experience something i have only ever dreamt of up until now.

life, as i know it, is about to end. here's to a new year and a new beginning.


Rhi said...

does this mean you have one foot back on the blogging wagon aswell? hee.

Ann Marie said...

Welcome back! :-)

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