to be tagged by
this makes me feel very special as when i started this blog i never dreamt that anyone would actually read it, let alone that i would make friends through it like i have. i know i am supposed to tag five fellow
bloggers, but being relatively new most of the few people i know have already been tagged. i would however like to tag
Ann and
Jocelynne, and the other three 'tags' go out to the blogs i read and love and who inspire me every day-check out my links at the side of the page for these special ladies.
i'm also supposed to list 7 random facts...
- i had to save this post as a draft for half an hour and have just come back to it, so i could watch Eastenders - i'm obsessed!
- ken and i are addicted to root beer but you can only buy it in Sainsburys anywhere nearby so i have to make a special trip to get it
- i collect books by Enid Blyton - trying to hold onto my childhood as long as possible :)
- my boyfriend has four kneecaps (not technically about me but never mind)
- when i was a kid i wanted to BE American, to the extent that i told my mum i would marry an american boy just so i could live there...i have grown out of this. mostly
- apparently i have smelly feet. this is probably not a good thing to announce on the internet
- when my boyfriend and i don't know what to say about something we say 'butt-dance'. i don't know why, we just do. we get some very strange looks
why no update for so long?
it gets a girl down!
Very cool! Although I have no idea what to do! LOL Do I take the tag and put it on my site?
Very cool, though!! (I am behind on reading everyone's blogs!!)
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