Sunday, 13 May 2007

the end of the pain?

Yesterday Ken finally went into hospital for an operation on his shoulder after a long and trying process. Having dislocated the same shoulder four times in fewer years, we have lived with the fact that it could happen at any moment and poor Ken has had to put a lot of things on hold for fear of aggravating the injury further. But, after being on the waiting list for such a long time, yesterday he had the operation that should mean his shoulder is just like a regular one again. Although downstairs now and in quite a bit of pain, with physio etc ahead of him, the ultimate goal is now so much closer.

  • He will now be able to play sports again without worrying.
  • He'll be able to lift our future children up onto his shoulders.
  • His mind will be at peace.

Today may be painful for him, but the end is in sight. And he deserves it so much.

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