Wednesday, 18 April 2007


This is a picture of the new house mini album I made when Ken & I moved in together last October. Both sides are used and it is filled with choice pics & journalling that I know i'll want to remember in the future. It also fits very neatly into a handy box I had lying around (shown below - apologies for poor quality of pic).


EliseBlaha said...

whooo hoo!
welcome to blogland!!

love the album.

Natasha said...

Oh my god... I just spent ages writing you this huge long message and then the page said i have to have a google account before i can send you a message so i had to make one, but it didn't let me save the message so i have to write it all over again. AAAAhhhh!
I wanted to tell you that i have just read 'The time travellers wife', and it was brilliant!
Have you read it? If you haven't, read it now!!!!!!!!!
I'm now reading 'Once in a house on fire'. It's really good.
I like your piccy from your b-day with you and the alc smoothie, you are so pretty and thin! your face is skinny!
What are you up to? Are you ok? Ken ok?
I went swimming on Sunday, the first time in 3 years, i went with paul (he's a really good swimmer) We had so much fun!
I love my giraffe gift on facebook, i tried to send you one but it asked for my card details, did you pay to send me that gift?
Love you loadss, Tasha.

Natasha said...

Your'e blog is so cool!!!!